Presentation on "3D-CFD Simulation of urban drainage systems" at the VSA-Symposium on the 20th April 2021

Matthias Deller, April, 9th 2021

TK CONSULT AG will give a presentation on 20th of April 2021 at the online VSA-Symposium on "DIGITIZATION IN CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTANENANCE OF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS" The instrument of 3D CFD simulations in urban drainage systems is presented.

Further details can be found here.

We are looking forward to your participation!

More on the subject of 3D-CFD Simulation of urban drainage Systems can be found on the flyer

Contact person

Michel Kuhlmann

Michel Kuhlmann

MSc. Env. Science ETH

Head of Division Hydraulics

Tel.: +41 (0) 44 288 81 82