Validation of 3D CFD simulations using discharge and velocity measurements

Pirmin Ebner, 16. June 2022

In a joint project with HOLINGER AG and Photrack AG, TK CONSULT AG validated results of 3D-CFD simulations performed for the optimization of a distribution structure.

Project overview and measuring points in the primary settling tank.

A major challenge in the application of 3D-CFD in the context of the dimensioning of special structures is the validation of the simulation results by means of measured values. The collection of data, however, is associated with further expenses and, depending on the structure, not always easily possible.

In 2019, TK CONSULT AG optimized the functionality of the distribution structure of the Step de la Verna wastewater treatment plant (Écublens, Fribourg) using 3D simulations. This optimization was in the context of the additional construction of a third primary settling tank. The company Photrack AG analyzed flow-relevant parameters area-wise from images/videos. Together with HOLINGER AG the relevant data were collected and compared with the simulated output. First results show good reproduction of the flow pattern and were presented at the event '5 à 7' of HOLINGER NL Lausanne. In a further step, the measured values will be used to determine flow parameters such as roughness in more detail.

Simulated and measured surface velocity in channel 1 and 3.