Lukas Vonwiller, December 3, 2020
2-D Flood Modelling in the City of Zurich Taking into Account Briges and Culverts
A major challenge in 2D flood simulations of urban areas is the modelling of bridges and culverts. These structures can limit the discharge, cause the water-level to rise and hence effect the flooding process. In the present article of the journal Wasser Energie Luft [1], we propose a method to account for such structures in 2D flood simulations by using stage-discharge relationships.
We are pleased to make the article available for free download with the permission of the journal Wasser Energie Luft of the Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband.
[1] Vonwiller, L., Kuhlmann, M., Deller, M., Corbe, S., Oplatka, M., Hauser, M. (2020). Berücksichtigung von Brücken und des Sihldurchlasses im 2D-Überflutungsmodell in der Stadt Zürich, Wasser Energie Luft 4/4, 231-238, 2020
MSc. Env. Science ETH
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