Journal Publication in Wasser Energie Luft

Mattias Deller, September 9, 2021

Optimization of the fish ladder at the Bannwil hydropower plant using 3D-CFD-simulation

Flow vectors, colored according to the flow velocity

The most well-known set of rules for the dimensioning of fish ladders in German-speaking countries is the “Merkblatt DWA-M 509 – Fischaufstiegsanlagen und fischpassierbare Bauwerke”. The dimensioning approaches formulated therein show good agreement with reality for standard construction methods, but reach their limits for special structures and specific requirements to the hydraulic conditions. The current publication in the journal Wasser Energie Luft [1], shows how 3D-CFD-simulations (Computational Fluid Dynamics) can be used as a suitable tool for in-depth analysis and optimization of fish ladders.

We are pleased to make the article available for Download. We thank the journal Wasser Energie Luft for the permission.

[1] Deller, M., Corbe, S., Krähenbühl, S., Kriewitz-Byun, Carl R. (2021). Optimierung der Fischaufstiegshilfe am Wasserkraftwerk Bannwil mittels 3D-CFD-Simulation, Wasser Energie Luft 3/4, 163-170, 2021

Contact person

Michel Kuhlmann

Michel Kuhlmann

MSc. Env. Science ETH

Project manager

Tel.: +41 (0) 44 288 81 82
