Hydrogeological expertise for the general construction project Basel Rhine Tunnel on behalf of ASTRA

Dr. Rouven Künze, 9. May 2018

Calculation of the effects of the planned Rhine tunnel in Basel on the current groundwater flow and evaluation of possible compensatory measures

The Federal Roads Office (ASTRA) plans a new twin-tube tunnel in the city of Basel to subterraneously connect the Rampenbrücke Wiese and the junction Dreirosenbrücke to Birsfelden. The tunnel should sustainably relax the current traffic situation in the area of the existing northern tangent. The commissioning of the tunnel is scheduled for 2037 at the earliest.

Figure 1: Overview

TK CONSULT AG has been operating both 2D and 3D groundwater models in the Basel-City region since 2000. The models have been used and continuously updated in the framework of different expertise (Hafenbecken 3, Roche-Brunnen). For the general construction project Basel Rhine tunnel the ASTRA commissioned TK CONSULT AG as hydrogeological expert office. Overall goal is the numerical assessment of possible impacts of the tunnel on the current groundwater situation and to evaluate possible compensatory measures.

Contact person

Dr. Rouven Künze

Dr. Rouven Künze

Ph.D., Dipl. Eng. Environmental Engineer

Project manager

Tel.: +41 (0) 44 288 81 81