Groundwater simulations for the Inn-revitalisation project

Michael Ballmer, 4. June 2018

Calculation of effects and measures of the Inn-revitalisation on the community Bever in the Upper Engadine

Aerial photo Oberengadin (Plebani Ingenieur- und Vermessungsbüro Zuoz, April 2015)

The impact on the actual groundwater flow situation is beside the ecological, structural and morphological aspects, a major keypoint of a river revitalisation plan. A change of the current river sole position, the wetted river width, the water level or the riverbed permeability can influence the water exchange between the river and the aquifer. In a close range this might lead to a strong ground water level decrease or increase.

In the framework of the 2nd stage of the Inn-revitalisation project in the community Bever in the Upper Engadine, that will be realized in the next months (, the impact on the groundwater situation has been evaluated on the basis of the 3D groundwater model Upper Engadine, calibrated and maintained by TK CONSULT AG. In collaboration with the planners (Eichenberger Revital, Hunziker, Zarn + Partner, ecowert) and the hydrogeologist (Sieber, Cassina + Handke) measures to regulate the groundwater table have been additionaly developed.

Depth of water table, isohypses of the groundwater level and type of water exchange between aquifers and surface waters
Depth of water table, isohypses of the groundwater level and type of water exchange between aquifers and surface waters.

Contact person

Michael Ballmer

Michael Ballmer

Dipl. Civil Eng. ETH

Project manager

Tel.: +41 (0) 44 288 81 84